

I am a Senior Software Developer in Las Vegas, specifically in Software Tools and Applications. As leisure, I write sci-fi war and other fiction, playtest my own game designs, do voice work for friends, and write about something cool every Friday. To do all of this, strong empathy, stark discipline, and fast learning are my specialties.

Read posts talking about my work and the state of work.

Jimmy Chattin, a Story:

In the past few years during my day job, I have / am:

  • Currently open to new work, but able to be picky as I fiddle about traveling, writing on this blog, and pursuing other projects.
  • Formerly a Senior Software Engineer for game design data at AppLovin.
  • Spent my time designing multiple game supplements, experimenting with the stock market, and farming during a COVID-19 sabbatical while visiting family.
  • Been both a Tools Engineer then Senior Software Engineer at Aristocrat Inc. Checkout LinkedIn for nearly the full list of accomplishments (e.g. ~$5.4 million saved annually). The last three years at ATI also include being the PM for my team, a workout coach, a community volunteer, a business-to-business competition captain and competitor, and a personality known throughout the business.
  • Worked as a Tools Developer for Microsoft, delivering the award-winning AAA title Quantum Break. With commonly same-day turnaround, my tools saved +45% of developer and QA hours (~$630K / yr), bent Windows 10 to the game’s needs, and opened up an additional 50% in data collection.
  • Saved +300,000 patients from a vital medical record issue because of an unverified upgrade by a major medical provider. While a Problem Solver at Epic Systems, that very busy Friday morning had me bringing together people from business and development, inside and outside, so I could write a script to identify, repair, and prevent such a mishap from happening again. I find nothing better than that during my time at Epic.

On the side, or with responsibilities adopted, my work includes being:

  • Creator of the BITS tabletop roleplaying game ruleset and other TTRPG conversions.
  • A designer for various computer games (RailgunStarfighter Inc., Cow Tippa!Fury Void) and more board games / mods than I can recall (Insurgency, Pawn Prince, Zombie HordesRiskier Risk, balancing Risk maps, more in progress, etc.). (Also dabbled in a Turn Timer for those players [me] who deliberate too long.)
  • The project manager and scrum master for a multitude of projects. So much so, it’s about time to get certified! Regardless, it’s my responsibility to be the support whatever team I’m on requires (ie inverted pyramid / never “it’s not my job”).
  • Writer of a few short stories. Despite being a hobby, I’m never satisfied – There’s so much to write, but what’s written can be made so much better! I promise to share more once I overcome my own bashfulness in getting the stories out there. (Or I’ll just blog about the process…)

That’s enough for now. To be part of the ever-growing conversation or see what we can do for each other, find me on:

  • LinkedIn for a list of professional regards.
  • Twitter for musings on writing and game design.
  • Instagram for nature hikes, exercise, and the miscellaneous.